Greenlee 42827 retaining ring for all long reach chainsaws
Greenlee 4799 torsion spring for chain saw
Guard for Emerson-Greenlee Circular Saws
Greenlee 04800 trigger latch pin for long reach chainsaw AM/FR Series
Greenlee L060058 trigger pivot for long reach chain saws
Emerson-Greenlee 132541 seal kit for circular saw.
Flat Washer Adapter for Emerson-Greenlee Circular Saw
Greenlee 06707 Interlock Trigger Assembly, HA Series LR Saw and Overhead Circular Saws
Stanley 9" Circular Saw Blades 24 Tooth
Greenlee L088009 9" Circular Saw Blade 44 Tooth
Inner Return Tube for a Emerson-Greenlee Circular Saw
Inner Pressure Tube for Emerson-Greenlee Circular Saw
Outer Tube for a Emerson-Greenlee Circular Saw
This is a bare machined handle for Greenlee long reach chainsaws and circular saws that have a serial number that starts with AM or FR. This handle is NOT designed to accept the COOL GRIP covers like the newer style chainsaws.Cat# and UPC# 48815Mat# 50488155